Parent Trainings
Garden Grove Unified School District is committed to equipping parents with tools to support their child(ren) during distance learning. The following videos were created by the district’s Instructional Technology Department to provide parents with information about the various digital platforms used in our online learning classrooms. Parents who have questions specific to their child(ren)’s online learning program should contact the child(ren)’s teacher or school office. Click here for school office phone numbers and email addresses.

Classlink Videos
Videos to learn how to use ClassLink, a web portal where students may access online digital textbooks.
Distance Learning Information Webinar
On Friday, August 21, Garden Grove Unified School Districted hosted a webinar for parents about the online platforms being used for distance learning during the 2020-2021 school year.

Seesaw Videos
Videos providing parents with information about SeeSaw, an online learning journal where students and teachers post materials, conduct learning activities and engage in ongoing communication.
Video Conference Tools
Learn about video conference tools Zoom and Google Meet used by GGUSD teachers to conduct live, interactive instruction with students.